Friday 5 October 2012

Blogtober 5th: an icy treat

The weather is beginning to warm up here in Melbourne. (Finally!!) And it will soon be the days where children are asking for icy poles every 5 minutes and you just need something cold to cool you down.

I am currently embracing a clean eating lifestyle and eliminating additives and hidden sugars from my food to encourage a healthier me, but I do love a cold treat when the weather turns hot. 

The other week I stumbled across instant icecream somewhere on the internet (don't ask me where, I wasn't paying much attention at the time). This sparked an idea in my head and I decided to try making instant frozen yoghurt. It turned out a treat so I will share of course.

The Ingredients:

Frozen berries (or other kinds of frozen fruit if you prefer) I used about 2.5 cups.
Plain yoghurt. I used about 2 cups ,but it was very fruity, so Id suggest adding a bit more if you want it creamy.

The Method:

Put everything in your blender (or in my case a bowl with a stick mixer).

Then blend it up until it resembles frozen yoghurt.

Then all you have to do is eat it!!
I stored mine in the freezer until we ate it later, but you can eat it immediately from the blender if you want. YUM!!

What is your favourite icy treat on hot days?
Have you signed up to blogtoberfest yet??


Newaged Hermit said...

Oh this is so Delicious and refreshing! I haven't made this in so long! thanks for the motivation!

planettreasures said...

That's a great idea!
I had some of those little plastic icy pole molds and I would make fruit juice paddle pops.

Mummyzilla said...

I've made instant ice cream before, and its great, I never thought to try frozen yogurt.